We are always looking for volunteers for our OUTreach Committee. This committee works to care for others in our community
and includes the following subcommittees: Evangelism Committee, Parish Life and Social Ministry Team.
All interests folks are invited to attend our meetings.
and includes the following subcommittees: Evangelism Committee, Parish Life and Social Ministry Team.
All interests folks are invited to attend our meetings.
Evangelism CommitteeWe shall try to restore those who have lapsed from active membership, bring new members into the fellowship of the church, and recruit, equip, & support members of the congregation. This has been done through various activities such as military boxes, holiday invitations and the Trumbauersville Community Day.
New Members
Quilters/Stitches of Love
Parish LifeParish Life shall promote the social interaction of the congregational members in order to foster the general well-being of both the members and the congregation as a whole. Some of their many projects and groups are the Stitches of Love/Quilters, our annual Flea Market, Bingo and our scrap booking group.
Social Ministry TeamWe are called by God to love and serve one another. Our Social Ministry team diligently works year round to respond to those in need with care and compassion. We are able to do so with the assistance of our members, our community, and various organizations. Many ways we do so include God's Work. Our Hands. day of service, Soup-er Bowl Sunday, Loaves and Fishes community dinners and especially through our FEAST Pantry.
God's Work. Our Hands.